Medical report

Patient's name: Gaidhlig gu Leor

Patient's condition: reflexes - poor. Not responding to normal stimuli.

Prognosis: Transfusion of new blood is desperately needed. Patient is 
showing minimal vital signs and may soon be beyond point of recovery.

Symptoms: Patient has been heard to speak a strange language, in the 
expectation of some response. Lack of response is causing severe 
depression, which could lead to further decline in vital signs.

Treatment: Since the ailment results from lack of response,and since the 
patient is essentially a social entity requiring constant feedback from 
other members of the society that shares this strange language, it is 
recommended that the patient be sedated until such time as it can be shown 
that there is an interest in the community at large in assisting with the 
patient's revival.

In the absence of any signs of community interest I am prepared to withdraw 
life support systems, and the death certificate is on file, ready to be signed.

Yours in the interest of good health,

Dr. Eideard

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