Jonathan Schleifer wrote:
> No translation is better than a wrong and unmtaintained translation.

Really?  Unmaintained translations just accumulate more fuzzy and
untranslated strings, which are *not* displayed at runtime.  So
basically, you are removing all translated strings that should be

OTOH, a 100% complete translation can be utterly wrong and unusable
compared to a 40% complete good translation.

> Especially when this can even compromise security as important
> things are not translated well enough.

Please explain how this can possibly happen.  If el.po is outdated,
untranslated and fuzzy strings will be displayed in English.  If you
delete the whole PO file, you just delete the valid Greek strings.
Zero improvement, only regression.

> We therefore decided to only keep translations for which we have a
> maintainer.

It is up to you to decide how to manage your own project, I just feel
the need to tell you that this is wrong and arrogant.

> If you don't agree with the removal of a specific language, feel
> free to volunteer as a maintainer for it.

Thanks for the reminder.  While I speak several languages, I only
translate to my native language, for a good reason.

I am inclined to do the reverse -- if you continue with this practice,
I think I will stop maintaining my own translation.  I don't like the
idea of punishing all our users by deleting my work if I can't catch
up for a particular release.

> But that means you have to verify the translation makes sense etc.

Even the best translator can't do that, which is why translation teams
cooperate and try to fix bugs by looking at each others work, and
processing users' bug reports.  By deleting a translation just because
it is not complete you are seriously interfering with this natural
process, and this is harmful.  It also opens the gate to lots of
duplicate work -- a person may start translating 0.12 from scratch
instead of stepping on the shoulders of previous translators.

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