Ok, it is not the same problem we have encountered a few years ago.

I doubt, that it is a system permission issue. All data files belong to galaxy (or the user the galaxy server is running as), and the access is regulated by the PostgreSQL (or MySQL or SQlite) database. I can only imagine the following case: you have restarted the Galaxy server as a different user than before?

To me, it rather looks like something has changed in the apache set-up and I am not an expert on this. I hope some-else can pick up this e-mail thread


On 09/21/2015 02:05 PM, Zuzanna K. Filutowska wrote:
Dnia 2015-09-21, pon o godzinie 13:55 +0200, Hans-Rudolf Hotz pisze:
Hi Zuzanna

This sort of rings a bell...can you give some more details:

   - Have you always used external authentication? or do you get this
problem after switching to external authentication?

Yes, I always used external auth.

   - what do you mean by "new LDAP users"?

Users that newly log on Galaxy today.

   - Are you sure, you get the "correct information" back from the LDAP
server? Maybe the LDAP server gave you e-mail addresses in all lower
cases, and now somebody has changed something , and the LDAP server
returns e-mail addresses in camel case?

Yes, old users can log in, and new users also can log in but they can't
upload files or histories - they are getting internal server error while
uploading and 403 errors while trying to upload history and the error
shows "This API requires authentication"

   - Have a look at Admin -> Manage users   Do you have duplications of


   - Have you looked into the PostgreSQL database and checked the
ownership of the histories in question.

How can I do that?

I hope this gives you a few points to look into

I have a hunch that this maybe something in system permissions but I
looked throught the galaxy tree and I see galaxy is the owner of all
files. I am used mod_xsendfile.

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