
Non teño novidades con respecto a isto. Pero creo que está é a páxina
en inglés que teremos que traducir.


A ver se mañá temos as cadeas para traducir.


El día 27 de octubre de 2011 21:22, Enrique Estévez Fernández
<keko.gl en gmail.com> escribió:
> Ola.
> Moi ben. Tan pronto publiquen as cadeas, avísote e realizamos o traballo.
> Saúdos.
> 2011/10/27 ifrit <ifrit en sonche.eu>:
>> Temos ata o 7 de novembro. Eu apúntome ;)
>> 2011/10/27 Enrique Estévez Fernández <keko.gl en gmail.com>
>>> Boas.
>>> Nova campaña de mozilla. Como vedes, se ledes o correo, vamos ter pouco
>>> tempo.
>>> Se empregan o sistema que comenta no correo, vanse traducir as cadeas
>>> nun bloc de notas, pero en liña. Non é a primeira vez que traduzo
>>> algunha cadea empregando ese sistema. Algún voluntario para botar unha
>>> man coas traducións.
>>> Cando estea aberto o lugar, copio as cadeas e envíoas neste correo
>>> para que axudedes. Se non hai voluntarios, xa o tento facer sen enviar
>>> máis correos a rolda.
>>> Saúdos.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: William Reynolds <williamr en mozilla.com>
>>> Date: 2011/10/26
>>> Subject: Firefox Live website translation
>>> To: dev-l10n-web en lists.mozilla.org, dev-l10n-announce en 
>>> lists.mozilla.org
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm excited to share that we'll be relaunching the Firefox Live
>>> campaign in November. It's a brand campaign focused on telling the
>>> Mozilla story and showing streaming video of red pandas. Similar to
>>> last year, we've adopted three red panda (firefox) cubs at a zoo, and
>>> we'll be streaming video of them on a single-page site. There's
>>> nothing to translate just now - this email is just a heads-up, but
>>> expect to hear more from us via email/bugs in the next couple days.
>>> The page has been redesigned [1] and has less content than last year,
>>> with about 300 words in total. The style is similar to our recent
>>> mozilla.org sites and includes the recent messaging from our Brand
>>> Toolkit [2].
>>> The site will be staged and ready for translating via SVN on October
>>> 28. You'll be able to preview your translations at
>>> http://www-dev.allizom.org/firefoxlive
>>> We will be able to accept translations until November 7 at 9am Pacific
>>> to be included in the site launch. Of course, you are welcome to add
>>> your translations after that date and have it appear in the next
>>> update to the page.
>>> An etherpad for translating text snippets that promote the campaign
>>> will be shared in the next few days once that copy is finalized.
>>> The site will be live for 3-4 months, and there will probably be a few
>>> small updates to the content every few weeks. I'll share more
>>> information as those details are finalized.
>>> Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about the
>>> campaign. We're very excited about bringing this successful campaign
>>> to millions of users again and using it as a way to tell our story
>>> about Mozilla and Firefox.
>>> Best,
>>> William
>>> [1] https://wiki.mozilla.org/File:Firefox-Live-2-Designs-v2.pdf
>>> [2] http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/brand/
>>> [3] https://wiki.mozilla.org/Websites/Firefox_Live_2
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>>> Galician en mozdev.org
>>> https://www.mozdev.org/mailman/listinfo/galician
>> --
>> ====================
>> http://about.me/ifrit
>> ====================
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