Well Decota, in that case it would depend heavily on the price you were charging for each individual dye. Given however that computer alternatives are available for free, I would be concerned if this was too much.

I would for example be willing to go 7.5 usd per dye, but not too much more than that, since given the number of dice a person needs to play rpgs the pricing would just get too much.

For example, if you charged 10 usd per dice, and my four D20's cost me 40 usd, that is about 10 times the price a sighted person has to pay which is essentially too much.

I'm sorry if this seems harsh, it is just that this is after all a luxury item, since programs like Gma dice are! available, and while I do take the point on discounts and the like, equally we've all seen too many situations in which access tech is over charged with the companies giving the excuse of less sales.

for example, Aprone designed a program to tell colour of objects with a web camera, yet if you wanted a peace of hardware to do this it would set you back close to 500 usd.

Beware the grue!


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