Hi Dallas:

That's definitely a good point. Since the majority of blind gamers are
on fixed incomes like SSI, SSDI, and similar government disability
incomes they don't want to spend a great deal of money on audio games.
That's understandable, but it is also crippling when it comes to
producing top notch games for the blind.

Asking about $50 for a really good audio game isn't out of line
considering the amount of work that goes into a game like Call of Duty
or Minecraft not to mention the sounds, music, and voice acting is
also fairly expensive too.  The problem weather the game is worth that
or not I am guessing most blind gamers won't pay it. They'd rather
quibble about the price or will outright pirate the game because it is
always easier to steel someone's hard work than it is to pay the
developer what he or she is owed for producing that high quality game.

What they don't realize or particularly consider is that if they truly
want a Call of Duty game or something like Minecraft they are going to
have to be willing to pay a bit more than they do now to have such a
game created. Not just for the developer's time and energy, which
would be considerable, but sound libraries, the game's musical score,
and voice acting aren't cheap either. Some people might get by using
volunteer work, but in my opinion that is sort of hit and miss and
unreliable. Volunteer work for sounds, music, and voice acting is
probably alright for a low budget game but for something truly
professionally done it requires the hire end professional work done by
experts who do that stuff for a living. However, if the money isn't in
it from the community then a developer isn't going to go that extra
mile to use top notch quality sounds, music, and acting which is
really a disservice to the game.


On 12/31/13, Dallas O'Brien <dallas.r.obr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi. it's not only  that Thomas, the question has to be begged. how
> much are people willing to pay for such games? i mean, if they think
> they are cheap in the sighted world, think again. call of duty, every
> time a new one comes out, is like, 50 bucks. or more. lol. so i mean,
> at the least, you'd have to charge 50 to 100 for such a game, to even
> begin to pay yourself back for all the work you do alone. now
> personally, if you were to make such a game, like minecraft, or
> something similar, or perhaps call of duty, i'd lay down 50 bucks for
> it. no problems.  as long as it's high quality, and has huge
> replayability, i'd go for it for sure. but most people in the blind
> community won't pay that much. hell, they quibble over 10 bucks for a
> game on iOS. lol. so what do you imagine they'd do if you suddenly
> came out with, oh, i have a new game guys. .. by the way, that'll be
> 50 dollars, please. lol. they'd shy away from that to be sure. so from
> that point of view alone, let alone the facter of much fewer, gamers
> in the audio games community to create for, puts a damper on major
> game creation. not that i am saying don't do such a thing, but i can
> see where it's hard for you guys. you have to live, after all. that
> tends to cost money, and lots of it. specially these days. lol.
> Dallas

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