Hi Ian.

It's something I need to look into, but whenever I look at the setup and translate it just seems a lot of hassle, particularly for someone like myself who isn't familiar with nvda to begin with.

I also dislike the way that people have used the japanese games as basically an excuse to trash everything that isn't japanese, without realizing that japanese developers have far more by way of game creation scripting available to them than English speaking developers, much of which is accessible since it works on scripting languages created! to make rpg like mechanics.

All that being said I probably ought to just dive in and try the dam thing.

As regards English games however Ian, I think perhaps (particularly if you've been on audiogames.net), it is possible you haven't seen what has been done.

BGT side scrollers are some of the easiest games to make, and I have noticed a fair few starting out developers creating 1D side scrollers of the "hit as much as you can" variety. This is okay as far as it goes in terms of people making practice games, but do not confuse these with the real thing.

perilous hearts has probably the most complex 2D layout yet in an English audio game with swinging vines, full 2D scanning, weapons with different ranges and rates of fire and a very unique Ai system for enemies, it's just a shame that after releasing the demo Philip I believe has changed his mind about the game.

Mysteries of the Ancients (or whatever Tom has the name at now), is another example, which uses analogue jumps that respond to button holding, a scan method, and features mazes and switch puzzles.

Adventure at C might be another example, since though the games ethos seems a bit crazy, with you fighting viruses and having all the heavy synth voices, and though the game is mostly 1d, it does feature a detailed experience and shop sstem and even level unlocking and trophies.

I'm fairly certain that our next side scroller will push the boundaries even futrther provided that it is not just simply a practice game mae with the usual BGT code and that the developer thinks carefully about the in built game mechanics and the need for propper, judgement based gameplay rather than basic boppit style reacting.

Beware the grue!


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