Hi Shaun:

Well, I don't know about that. Rewriting a retro game is fine, but I
don't necessarily agree with going to the extreme of trying to make
everything as retro as possible. Technology has drastically improved
to the point we have better graphics, better sounds, better music, and
so on. Improving those elements in a retro remake of an old classic
would only enhance the game not detract from it.

To give you an example in the original Montezuma's Revenge when Panama
Joe walked or ran it made a boop, boop, boop sound which really
doesn't convey any information to the player at all as to what he is
walking on. In the Alchemy/USA Games version we used realistic sounds
for dirt, ladders, ledges, sand, etc to convey to the gamer exactly
the type of surface being walked on. So that is one of many examples
where going too retro is actually a pretty major detraction from the

As for the PC speaker you aren't missing much. I played a number of
Dos games when I was sighted that used the PC  speaker, and
comparatively speaking it was nothing to write home about. Most of the
sounds were beeps, boops, and bleeps. In short, not very realistic at
all, and pretty inaccessible from a blindness perspective.


On 1/1/14, shaun everiss <sm.ever...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree.
> To be honest since they have not been played I do feel that some of
> the retro games that were played by sighted should  try to have as
> retro a feel as they can.
> a remake is good but then its a remake.
> Even if there was a free crappy retro that came with the remake or
> whatever I wouldn't mind.
> We started with text then we went straight to the sound card basically.
> I have never played that many games that used the pc speaker my self.

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