Hi Corry,
Oh, I see. Well, one thing I am still deciding upon is weather or not to 
leave sound effects and voice files external from the Java package 
containing the game. From a developer standpoint it is better that all 
images, sound effects, etc are packed in the jar file for maximum 
performance and speed on the host so. It also is a good platform 
independent way of redistributing files on different operating systems 
with completely different file systems. Naturally, the Windows NTFS file 
system operates different from a typical Linux Ext3 file system, and 
there is different issues with file permissions, directory trees, etc.
For example, on a typical Windows install of a Java app if the sounds 
were externally placed in the games directory they would be on a path like
c:\Program Files\USA Games\MOTA\Sounds
On a typical Linux install the same sounds would be on a path like
which isn't very compatible with each other. So packing the sounds 
directly into the jar only requires the sound class to look locally in 
the package for whatever it needs instead of externally somewhere else.
Another sticky and tricky issue is file permissions. The way that 
Windows handles file permissions and the way Linux handles them is like 
daylight and dark.
For example, typically before you can handle or work with files under 
Linux you need to set some default user permissions on a file. In Linux 
there are actually three sets of file permissions one for user, group, 
and other. Depending on how the flags are set on the file for its 
default file access flags you may or may not be able to open the sound 
files externally. Which can be a hassle when you don't exactly know how 
someone has there users and groups configured.
However, this is not to say this is an impossible situation. Any 
installation package such as dpkg or rpm when compiled should have some 
lines in the makefile setting the default flags for the game sound 
effects insuring compatibility with game x.
However, all I am saying by this example is that if the files are 
included in the jar file the issues over file permissions is not one a 
developer has to worry about.
If an end user is going to mod a game he or she will have to be careful 
to set the default flags on the sound effects correctly before dropping 
the files into the sounds directory.
If someone has a jar explorer tool like izarc he or she can just remove 
and add files to the jar, save the new jar file, without altering the 
manifest file and worrying about end user permissions.

Cory wrote:
> a seperate folder of sounds for the pg13 stuff.

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