Thanks for your reply, Justin. Now I understand your concern more concretely.

I'll share three points here:

1. First of all, the trademark policy must be followed for the new
PPMC. The PPMC will protect the trademark with the guide of trademark
policy[1][2]. It's part of the road during the incubation.

2. I worked with the people for a while, and I trust their motivation
for running a diverse community. It's impossible to prove, but we can
do a few exercises as your new reply.

> whereas “CeresDB” should be used in several cases

**This is a concern. I'll check it with the initial group, resolve it,
and then go back to the list. I hope this is a signal that the project
is actively reacting to this concern,**[3]

... although I may regard it as a post-donate action (Answer Cloud is
removed after entering the incubator[4]. I did it, followed by some
others from Answer's committers).

> some entities have taken unfair advantage of this

It's also unfair to judge a new incubator proposal to assume, in
advance, that they will do something evil.



Roman Shaposhnik <> 于2023年11月28日周二 18:27写道:
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 12:12 PM Justin Mclean <> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > We need to know the reasons for the name change and why the company is 
> > willing to donate the code but not the name. The possibility of having them 
> > forking the community later is a risk the Incubator needs to know about and 
> > should be mentioned in the proposal. Having a brand closely associated with 
> > a project and owned by a single corporate entity is a risk to the project. 
> > Why a company would be unwilling to give up that brand or trademark just 
> > because it may be convenient in the future is a concern.
> While I agree that having a clear reason stated would be helpful, I
> think I have a different take on the risks you are outlining here.
> We have tons of examples here in the ASF of project Foo being used to
> power commercial product Bar (Geode/Gemfire, Ignite/GridGain,
> Kafka/Confluent, and many, many more). So this kind of dual branding
> is nothing new -- there's no community fork involved per se.
> It would be nice if the original name of the open source project (as
> it existed on Github) was donated to ASF and the new name for a
> commercially developed product was picked. But even if it is the other
> way around -- I actually don't see any risks for the foundation in
> this approach (as long as it is clearly understood that the branding
> guidelines on both sides need to be honored).
> Thanks,
> Roman.
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