
> Wow! I'm glad I was browsing jakarta-general today - interesting and
> enlightening discussion.
> Re: influencing Sun: be sure to participate (or send feedback, or whatever
> they let you do) in JSR's of interest like Ceki was organizing.  Many of
> them do listen, even if the end result isn't always what you suggest.

Lets work for Sun for free too show them how to do things.

Why is there this constant pressure that we should be helping Sun increase
their stock price? You never hear such a thing from the language

> Also, there are Apache implementations that will be shipping with JDK 1.4 -
> Xalan (originally from Lotus) is the XSLT transformer reference
> implementation in JAXP 1.1, and a newer version will be in the JDK 1.4
> extensions directory.

Explain to me how is this legal under the current JCP licensing rules.

>  I was doing an informal survey of Apache project's
> use at JavaOne recently and *lots* of products and companies are using our
> stuff.  Just wanted to note that it's not *all* bad news.

50-100k downloads / month of Tomcat. I think that we know this stuff is
being used. :-) If anything that should be more motivation for Sun and other
companies to spend more time adopting the stuff we are generating here. Like
I said before...500+ OSS developers is a lot more powerful than what Sun can
muster up.

> IMO, there will still be plenty of room for Apache projects to compete even
> against built-in features in future JDK's.  One thing that will really help
> this long-term is continuing to improve all our project's coordination and
> documentation - especially user-level documentation. I think both of the
> commons'es and the recent projects on getting a site-wide docset building
> from XML are excellent steps - we just need to keep working on this kind of
> issue.

Do we really need to compete at the tools and API implementation level
though? Wouldn't it make more sense to work towards one exceptional logging
implementation, one exceptional XSLT transformation engine, etc?


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