On Tue, 14 Aug 2001 00:36, Ted Husted wrote:
> Not even Jakarta lets just anyone commit a patch. I doubt that Linus
> does either. OS has gatekeepers just the same as CS -- we just wear our
> code on our sleeves ;-)

But it is quite possible for the original developers of a project to loose 
control of it. That is why some projects choose to develope outside Apache.

> OS does not have to mean that anything else would change. Alot of people
> work fulltime on OS projects. Who gets commit access is up to whoever
> owns the project. Publishing the code doesn't mean you loose control
> over it. It just means other people can help you test it, then tell you
> why it breaks, and even how to fix it.

I don't know about that ... the old GCC maintainers would probably say that 
they lost control of GCC, emacs maintainers lost control of xemacs. As soon 
as the source is out then there is likely to be a few forks. Most will die 
off assuming Sun is willing to work with the community. If sun is not willing 
to work with the community then they will almost certainly see control go bai 

> Berin Loritsch wrote:
> > Allowing just anyone to commit a patch without full testing could cause
> > some high paying customers alot of headache.
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