on 8/13/01 10:54 AM, "Kevin A. Burton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Send Stallman an e-mail right now.. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  He will tell you that Apache
> *is* Free Software.

No need to fill his inbox with crap.


> The Apache License, Version 1.1.
> This is a permissive non-copyleft free software license with a few
> requirements that render it incompatible with the GNU GPL.
> We urge you not to use the Apache licenses for software you write. However,
> there is no reason to avoid running programs that have been released under
> this license, such as Apache.

Needless to say, the ASF (ie: Roy Fielding) says that the GPL *is*
compatible with the ASF 1.1 license. I know and trust Roy. I'm going with
Roy over whatever the FSF says any day.


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