James Strachan wrote:
> From: "Stefan Bodewig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>On Thu, 02 May 2002, Geir Magnusson, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Costin suggested, and I supported, that a subproject of wider scope
>>>be created to allow the collection of similar technologies into one
>>>larger subcommunity.
>>First of all, I like the idea.  But in general I think this should not
>>be something we (we as in general@jakarta) should decide but the
>>committers of the current (sub(sub))projects that would make up this
>>new subproject had to decide.
>>If the people working on Torque, commons-dbcp or the Avalon database
>>stuff (I'm sure I'm missing something) as well as the people of
>>Onjectbridge want to create this new subproject, I'll be all for it -
>>but it should be their decision IMHO.
> +1. I think db.apache.org is a good idea but lets give the OJB folks time to
> settle in first.
> Lets bring OJB here, see how well some of the Torque stuff can be moved into
> commons and get shared across both projects. (Geir you can bring poolman to
> commons too if you like). Then let the dust settle a bit and see if the
> communities want to move. While I like the idea of taking the database
> related stuff out of the 'frameworks' (avalon/turbine) and into a
> database-related top level project that can work with other frameworks - its
> maybe a bit early to start db.apache.org.


there are only 2 apache developers on the ojb developer list (Jason van Zyl and me)
i think it would be good to give the other ojb developers some time to see how 
everything works here  .

i think axion-db (http://axion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectHome) is another candidate 
for db.apache.org

> Who knows, maybe Torque and OJB could merge completely over time then just a
> single top level project at Jakarta would be good too.

i'm not sure if the 2 will merge completely, but i'm sure torque and ojb will share 
ideas and code 
in the near future ;-)


ps: ojb uses maven! ;-)

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