On 5/3/02 12:04 PM, "Henri Yandell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 3 May 2002, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
>>> I'm also very unhappy with the xml/jakarta separation and
>>> the balkanisation of apache - as well shown by the current
>>> maven/forest/cocoon/centipede discussion, where even xml.apache.org
>>> is affected by jakarta's NIH.
>>> So I'll be -1 ( as a jakarta commiter - my vote obviously
>>> doesn't count for that ) on another apache.org fragmentation.
>> Really?  The point, as I see it, is simply to help organize the greater
>> Apache community by subject of interest.
>> Stretching your argument to an absurd conclusion, if we eliminated all
>> general@*.apache.org and made a single [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, it would
>> quickly become useless as people perceive "noise" differently.
>> People have different interests.  I am sure that there are httpd people that
>> are interested in what's going on in Jakarta, but not *all* of them....  I
>> personally adore some of the projects in XML-land, but don't want to be a
>> part of their general@ list...
> I'm with Costin on this one, I think, [though I count myself as someone
> who is stilling learning to be an apache person]. Catching up with the
> thread, the suggestions seem to have been:


> 4) OJB as the nucleus of db.apache.org. Some kind of database focused new
> top level project at Apache:
> No no no. Ick. Ack. etc.
> What will the plan for db.apache.org be?? When will dbtags move to it.
> When will my rebol source code for accessing mysql go into it, when will
> we add DBVisualiser to it.

You have some great points here.

Dbtags could move to it when they wanted to.  Rebol source could go into if
if the community wanted it.  It certainly can't come to Jakarta because of
the jakarta charter for java server-side.

My point is that,  like it or not (I like it, Costin doesn't) there is some
benefit of letting like minded people form a community unto themselves -
this is the whole argument behind bringing XML and Jakarta together - lots
of like minded people working together can be more than the the parts
individually. (On this subject, I have concerns about the size of such a
beastie, but that's not the point here...)

Having a 'db-ish' focused apache project would mean that the primary
dimenension would be database related, not a language (Java like in Jakarta)
or a specific specification (XML).  But an area of interest that spans
programming languages (Java, Rebol, Python, Perl, C, C#), specifications
(SQL, JDO, xxxx), and implementation patterns (server vs client, for

> Basically coming down to, what are top level Apache projects. Mainly they
> seem to be language based [except the flagship webserver, which seems
> really to be 'C' than 'Webserver']. XML does have some issues, but that's
> due to the language not the project.

But real software development isn't 'Uni-language'.  I use Java for some
things, Perl/python for others, etc...  All the pieces are brought together
to solve problems.

Geir Magnusson Jr.
Research & Development, Adeptra Inc.

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