On 5/21/07, Jörg Schaible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1/ Open-up Jakarta to all committers, was vetoed
2/ Merge commons into Jakarta, was vetoed
3/ Move commons into own TLP, was vetoed

So what's left in your opinion?

Work with the people who cast the deadlocking vetoes to resolve their
issues and uncover a compromise which is acceptable to the majority.

I'm not sure why 1/ is vetoed, unless this is related to the POI
confusion over M$ IP. In which case POI TLP should remove that veto.

2/ commons TLP should resolve this

3/ veto was mainly detail around name and the wording of the
resolution, no reason to suppose this won't be resolved. the proposal
received -1's but the people who voted -1 should work with the
community to get their concerns resolved, not simply block all


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