On Mon, 29 Oct 2012 19:30:40 +0100
Peter Stuge <pe...@stuge.se> wrote:

> Diego Elio Pettenò wrote:
> > the understanding of "you're responsible for whatever you commit".

>> Outrageours rant deleted <<

> Isn't it outrageous to claim that people who create and
> contribute to and around Gentoo without being developers
> are any less responsible for what they do than devs are?

I guess Diego's response is rooted in seeing bug reports about or
finding bugs in ebuilds that have been tagged with "proxymaint". I've
recently seen quite a few things with the same label that should not
have been committed in the first place.

> I have personal experience from several cases of the reverse,
> but that doesn't make me think that it's the norm for devs to
> behave irresponsibly.

That's good to hear, but it says nothing about the (arguably) fringe
cases of bad commits.

> Diego, what you wrote does nothing other than make it seem like you
> have a personal agenda against Arfrever.

I don't normally agree with anything Diego says, mind you.

> I expect that anyone and everyone who contribute to any open source
> project will do their damndest to contribute only "perfect" work.

Yes. And everyone makes mistakes when they fail to spot the
imperfections. That's just human. But no one should ever hide behind
the lame excuse that it was somebody else's work when it obviously was
not the contributor/proxy developer who did the commit.

At the other end of the spectrum, recently some people like to tie red
tape around everything, hold up progress for months, and call that "QA".

> I know that this is a pipe dream, but it does happen. I think the way
> to make it happen more often is education, but not everyone is able
> to educate and so, there is a gap..
> Threats aren't an excellent way to try to close any gap IMO. WTF.

Since it is a pipe dream, you have to expect and deal with careless
commits as and when they occur, and keeping people on their toes is one
way to help prevent it, rather than fix the mess afterwards.


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