* James Homuth (ja...@the-jdh.com) [07.02.09 18:29]:

> if Gentoo needs anything, it's a more accessible method of installing for
> those users who can't actually see the screen. Don't get me wrong, I love
> the distro for several reasons, but if I were to install linux locally on
> any of my desktops, it would probably be debian or ubuntu simply for the
> fact their methods of instalation are actually useable to me.bbb

If i have to do *multiple* installs for several copumters, which I do 
not use myself, I choose debian, because fai rocks. 

Shouldn't this fai be adopted for Gentoo? I should investigate if this 
is possible...

 " Religion ist das Opium des Volkes. "      Karl Marx

 s...@sti@N GÜNTHER         mailto:sam...@guenther-roetgen.de

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