On Tuesday 07 June 2005 09:53, Alan Horkan wrote:

> I was thinking fo doing something similar for the python plugins
> (and making sure to add ellipses where needed).  However some of
> the python plugins duplicate existing functionality so putting two
> Clothify plugins beside each other would only confuse users.  I see
> Akkanna tackled this by marking the Script-Fu unsharp as "Unsharp
> 2" but if people have idea on how to tackle this duplication of
> functionality I would be interested to hear it. (I must say when it
> comes to learning to port scripts to python I found it very helpful
> to have similar examples written in a different language) plugin
> written .  One possible way to disambiguate similar plugins might
> be to give them different menu icons but expect you can probably
> come up with something better than that.

I always saidthat tehere should be some way to identificate a menu 
entry. Not only there will be up to four (C, script-fu, Python-fu, 
tiny-fu) equivalent entries on a row, as you point out - but I think 
one has the right to know how each menu entry got there. 

Today it already happens with stuff like 'filter all layers', 
installed with Gimp-GAP - one can't know where it came from.

People suggested that an icon before menu entries would cause to much 
hassle to the UI - and I agree. I suggested them that right-clicking 
on a menu item would bring some information about it. (Like:  the 
package where it came from, what language it is written in, and maybe 
even accept a new shortcut for that item, without having to enable 
"dynamic shortcuts")



> Sincerely
> Alan Horkan
> http://advogato.org/person/AlanHorkan/
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