
On Mon, 2008-10-06 at 18:45 +0200, Martin Nordholts wrote:

> * Making the toolbox (and the rest of the interface?) color neutral [1],
> probably through a color neutral theme

That is the job for an artist, not a developer. You should try to get
Jimmac into the boat.

> * Getting rid of the GimpDockSeparator's in docks and only show a
> counterpart to them when a user is in the process of docking a Dialog.

I don't understand this. What's wrong about the seperators?

> This is IMO a prerequisite for:
> * Supporting one-window layouts by allowing to dock the toolbox and
> dialogs to image windows/the empty image window [1]

IMO the most important prerequisite for this is the introduction of tabs
into the image window. I would very much like to see the possibility of
having multiple images open in a tabbed image window.


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