On 19 July 2010 17:36, Joseph Areeda <are...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Rotate by an arbitrary angle.  I've scanned an image but the page was not
> square in the scanner or camera.  The best way to do this is to draw a line
> on the edge of the page and have a command that rotates it to horizontal or
> vertical.  The algorithm is well defined and easy (except for indexed color
> images).
This was brought up recently, in the following thread
See especially the last email.

> Draw arrows and shapes over an image (new vector layer).  I found a shape
> drawing plugin that is fine except you fill in a form instead of draw the
> outline with a cursor, and it doesn't use the pen defined in the main
> window.
See the branch soc-2006-vector-layers in git:
IIRC, this has been dropped from the 2.8 schedule due to resource
constraints. Half the gimp
world would probably love the people who finally gets this merged and
polished up.

Regards Jon Nordby - www.jonnor.com
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