On 05/09/14 19:18, NoWhizzKid wrote:
I'm so sorry - I haven't had an email to notify me of your reply, just
popped on over to check your advice again! I can't remember what I did
with that previous attachment now, sorry. I am getting better with the
paths tool at creating smooth lines though - I just need to keep
practising I think.

I really don't understand how to bucket fill the image though. Once I
have done the mask selection, I don't seem able to change the colour.
Any ideas where I might be going wrong?

Thanks again :)
To be clearer, when I attempt the bucket fill, the image just changes to a
semi-transparent version of the original. I have attached so you can see what I
mean :)

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/150/original/bucketfill.png

I'd prefer the XCF... hard to tell from the result... but since the alpha is constant (144), it could be that your bucket-fill tool isn't at full opacity.
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