Carusoswi wrote:
> Ok, but, when you merge, do you not lose the ability to go back and fix
> something that you might decide needs adjusting?
Yes, which is why you don't merge until. you're absolutely sure that 
everything you're merging is to your satisfaction. And if there are a 
couple of layers which you're not quite certain about yet, one can merge 
the layers below those, and still reduce the file size. I haven't 
explored this yet, and may be wrong, but it might just be that if there 
is one small area that needs a fix, that one can make a layer just big 
enough to manage the fix, rather than making the layer the full size of 
the image. One thing that might reduce the size of the file a bit, is 
that if there is only a small bit of something that needs fixing, to make

> I would thing that layers in an xcf file would only represent
> references to adjustments and the underlying file 
I think a better visualization of layers is to consider them like an 
overlay on a projector, and that the layer containing the change is 
independent of the layer to which the change relates, until the two are 
merged together.
> I'm just a-wonderin' why the xcf files grow so large.
I suspect that becuase you have a number of layers all the same size as 
the image.

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