On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 07:29:59PM +0100, Jonathan Gift wrote:
> With the cal 2001 command I can get the year's calendar displayed on a
> terminal or shot to a file. Q: How can I use that as background, as in
> paste?

Since I'm bored I decided to write a little Perl-Fu script to do this.
It's probably not very robust or elegant or whatever, but it works :-)
If anyone knows a better way to get the font size, drop me a line 'cause
this is ugly in my solution...



#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Gimp Perl-Fu script to make a calendar.
# Roel Vanhout, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 20010208

use Gimp;
use Gimp::Fu;

sub makeimage {
    my($mon,$year,$font,$fgcolor,$bgcolor, $border) = @_;

    if($mon eq "") {
        $text = `cal $year`;
    } else {
        $text = `cal $mon $year`;
    my @array = split/-/, $font;
    my $size = $array[8];
    $size /= 10;

    my ($width, $height, $ascent, $descent) =
Gimp->gimp_text_get_extents_fontname($text, $size, 0, $font);

    my $image = Gimp->gimp_image_new($width + $border * 2, $height +
$border * 2, RGB);

    my $background = Gimp->gimp_layer_new($image, $width + $border * 2,
$height + $border * 2, RGB, "Background", 100, NORMAL_MODE);

    Gimp->gimp_image_add_layer($background, 1);


    my $textlayer = Gimp->gimp_text_fontname($background, $border,
$border, $text, -1, 1, $size, 0, $font);
    Gimp->gimp_image_resize($image, $textlayer->width + $border * 2,
$textlayer->height + $border * 2, 0, 0);
    Gimp->gimp_layer_resize($background, $textlayer->width + $border *
2, $textlayer->height + $border * 2, 0, 0);


    return $image;


($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) =

register "makeimage",
         "Makes a calendar",
         "This scipt makes a calendar.",
         "Roel Vanhout",
         "roel\@2e-systems.com", # @ must be written as \@ in a perl
            [PF_INT, 'month', 'The month you want a calendar for. Leave
empty if you want a full year.', $mon +1],
            [PF_INT, 'year', 'The year you want a calendar for. Leave
empty if you want a full year.', $year+ 1900],
            [PF_FONT, 'font', 'The font you want to use',
            [PF_COLOR, 'fgcolor', 'The foreground color',
            [PF_COLOR, 'bgcolor', 'The background color', [0,0,0]],
            [PF_INT, 'border', 'The border you want around the
calendar', 10]

exit main;

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