Op Tue, 18 Oct 2016 19:38:37 -0400
schreef dww <dwort...@mykolab.com>:

> I look forward to participating again in helping with gNewSense5.
> I imagine the kind of freedom bugs I worked in 4 are going to be a
> priority.


> Will gNewSense5 be based on Debian Jessie version 8.6?


> On my development machine does it makes sense for me to start by
> installing Jessie 8.6?

You can also work in gNewSense 4 by adding Jessie's deb-src links to
your sources.list.

> Regarding learning how to use the Builder approach is their some
> primer or other learning material from the Debian or other sites?

There's some documentation about Builder on the website [1]. Running
Builder needs quite a bit of disk space and takes some time. If you're
more interested in patching packages, then Builder's gen scripts (e.g.
gen-apt) are most interesting. They can be run by themselves as long as
you have the config file.

Builder also allows for Ucclia style patching, except it needs the full
package source and not just the debian folder (although it shouldn't be
hard to support that too). Both development approaches have their
strong and weak points. I'm not yet sure if we're going to use one or
the other or both.

Don't hesitate to ask questions. Builder can be daunting at first.


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