>Selma writes:
>As of now, it seems to those living outside of Goa, that the same arguments 
>>can be tape-recorded and used for every Citizen's meeting. For ease of use, 
>>you might want to make a jingle out them.

>"Scams and deals
>It's all about bhaile
>Wanting to steal"

You are absolutely right. The same arguments can be used to oppose a project, 
because the govt. has the same reasons for every project. In this case,
the treasury has been emptied by loot ( just the food bills over the
last 10 years could be used to fund a university) and hence there are no funds. 
 Further,  who would not want such a prime land ?

Actually, quite interestingly, in the valuation of the Goa University
which I read in the TOI article, the land value was put at Rs. 3000 crores,
the value of buildings at Rs. 700 crores and the value of equipment
at Rs. 300 crores, totalling to Rs. 4000 crores. What about the value
of the faculty which constitutes the brain behind the university?
It was not counted at all !

When any software company is valued, the number of staff is an important
part in valuing it.



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