2008/7/19 Samir Kelekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Grow up Josebab. The age for adulthood is 18. Goa is 47. You can't
keep blaming your parents when you are 47. There is an expiry date
upto which you can blame parents, unless of course you dont want to
take responsibility for your own life!

Why is Vishal Gomantak a Ponzi scheme or is it a mapusa scheme ? :-)
And when was it discarded ?



Please read my posts carefully - My last post was based specifically
on the "software company" analogy of yours.

You have made my point exactly - In a real software company, those
negligent chaps who handed over the running of the company (Goa in
this case) would have been booted off (without boot-licking) as soon
as Goa turned 18 .. at least.

Read more about the origins, canvassing and discarding of the Konkan
State & Vishal Gomantak ponzi schemes. You will find enough
information even in the mine-owner-owned noojpapers within the time
span of  2-3 years post the Opinion Poll disaster. (Disaster for the
ponzi-wallas like the Kenis, Chougulos and many of the ones who are
complaining about the "bhaille" in Goa today.)

It is true (hopefully) that one achieves adulthood at about 18. What
this sorry episode shows us is that often-times children continue to
pay the price for the folly of their Ponzi-pops. The present
"overwhelmed by the bhallie" chaos is what those who supported the MGP
have brought upon to their children - who are now complaining and even
lamenting about the "Goa they knew" !

This is additional to the original Ponzi-wallas who handed over the
running of the company to a team without any program plans. These
original Ponzi-wallas are now back with this nonsense called Konkan
State/Vishal Gomantak.

Yeah right!

Goa being part of Greater Mangalore, maybe  .....but not this nonsense.

cheers all the same

Now ...I have to do some more Book-Licking (:-)

ps: my knowledge on this topic is now temporarily exhausted. No Mas
replies for now from me.

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