This is in reply to Roland Francis's Message No: 5, dated: Sat, 19th July
2008 on the subject. 


Roland, I picked up a main paragraph from your posting which read as


Having a Central University will slowly put Goa on the national map.
Students passing out from the new Goa University (or whatever it may be
called, like Lal Bahadur Shastri University) will have ready access to
Central Cadre services, a presence it now sorely lacks. With a sizable body
of Goa Cadre top administrative officers, top cops and top diplomats, Goa
will get the respect it deserves. And as you so well know Goans flourish
academically. They have always done so, given the right environment.
Unfortunately, that environment has always been out of Goa. No protest will
ever be worth foregoing this window of opportunity.


And my response to this Para is as follows: 


You said: Having a Central University will slowly put Goa on the national

My response: It appears that Goa till date is not on National Map. I think
Goa prominently appears in national and international map in many ways and
therefore we don't need to convert Goa University into Central University to
see our Goa on the national map.  


You said: Students passing out from the new Goa University (or whatever it
may be called, like Lal Bahadur Shastri University) will have ready access
to Central Cadre services, a presence it now sorely lacks. 

My response: This is short sighted view. Do I have to name the list of Goan
persons who are already in this cadre without Goa University being
transformed into Central University?  


You said: With a sizable body of Goa Cadre top administrative officers, top
cops and top diplomats, Goa will get the respect it deserves. And as you so
well know Goans flourish academically. 

My response: Goans have and already flourished globally even when Goa
University was not CONVERTED into C. U.? Are you surprised by this


You said: No protest will ever be worth foregoing this window of

My response: Yes, we don't protest for Goans are known globally as SUSEGAD.
This is the sole reason we are taken on golden ride in everything that's
happening in Goa Today..look at SEZ, CRZ, RP, etc. issues. Are theses issues
NOT worthwhile taking up and fighting for OUR RIGHT? 


Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad


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