Samir Kelekar wrote:  In this case, the treasury has been emptied by
loot ( just the food bills over the last 10 years could be used to
fund a university) and hence there are no funds.  Further,  who would
not want such a prime land ?


jc's response:

That is the reason why the Portuguese (and their boot-lickers) MUST be
kicked out of Goa.  They are nothing but looters who have emptied the
Goa treasury - possibly just on food bills. I could understand if it
was related to 'cerveja'.

Oh Oh was NOT the Portuguese who looted Goa (and remained poor)
....Ooops,  Mishtek zali. I was believing only the Freedom Fighters,
many of whom believe that just saying/writing "Jai Hind" makes them

If Goa was a 'software company' - what would be the fate of "the
chaps" who handed over the running of the company to 'looters' as
Samir characterises them?

No ......but now "the chaps" want Goans to fall for a long discarded
"Ponzi" scheme called Vishal Gomantak.

As the velim based Kon-Few-shius once said: You fool me once .....You
fool me twice ....etc

back to my work now..

PS: TGF web-site will have an important front page update this Sunday (EST)
Will keep GoaNetters posted

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