Quickplay was hardly the first or one of the first anti-community changes.
It is the worst and that is why everyone is fixated on it. Official server
exclusives like MvM and passtime pale in comparison based on damage done.
Matchmaking could possibly be just as bad, but only time will tell. And it
might not even be an issue if community servers got all the unranked
players in return. Or even whitelisting trusted communities that was
supposedly the reason for tying servers to player accounts.

Community servers are not "relics of the past". It is simply a business
decision and Valve has decided to choose the path of greed, laziness, and
betrayal. One only needs to look at Minecraft as proof that community
servers are not outdated.

Unless you are biased against them, it is hard to argue that community
servers haven't added any value. As I have said multiple times, community
players were by far the majority until they were blocked from quickplay
over a year ago. And it took massive traffic manipulation to reverse this.
Just because we are the minority now doesn't mean that's the way it should

It is sad to see Valve acting more like EA. Instead of dealing with bad
servers they have decided to chuck all community servers in a ghetto.
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