It is very rude of you to repeatedly spam the mailing list to pressure
Valve into doing whatever you want instead of working on crashes and

Valve has already put in a huge effort making these servers less prominent.

- Blacklist
- Quickplay
- Reputation

It isn't perfect but blacklisting takes care of the servers you don't like
once you've spotted them. Quickplay and reputation filter most of the ones
you haven't spotted yet. No one I know has any problems finding a server
full of real players. Everyone I know just blacklists and move on.

Server IPs do not change often since it costs money to buy new ones and you
need proper ARIN justification to get more due to the IPV4 shortage. The
fact that you are on here spamming about it as though TF2 is going to die
out next week makes me think that you are struggling with your own server
rather than being a concerned player.

I also hate the big pay-to-win servers with fake clients, but it would be a
mistake for Valve to just de-list them, wrongly assuming no one really
wants to play there. I have a friend who wouldn't be playing TF2 if they
didn't exist and has bought hundreds of dollars worth of Mann Co keys. And
from what he tells me he isn't the only one. Yes he knows there are bots.
The "cloaked" bots appeal to him for the same reason Valve decided not to
name bots bot1, bot2, bot3 and to have them taunt randomly.

These servers still exist not because of a fake player plugin but because,
as much as it pains us to believe, some players actually prefer them.

No one here is enthusiastic about having Valve delist servers based on
anonymous reports because we all know that the system will be abused even
though they have "taken basic measures to prevent" it. We know this because
they also took "measures" to prevent F2P players from avoiding VAC bans by
making throw-away accounts, yet I still see hackers that have made at least
5 of them in a row and even adding their old VAC banned account on their
friends list.

To save Valve the administration overhead and abuse, and to satisfy both
server administrators and players, I suggest dropping the server report
function and adding either of these 2 features.

1. Add a check-box for Valve-only/Favorites-only Quickplay servers.

2. Let premium players rate servers from 1 to 5 upon disconnection. Each
player may only vote once. To prevent voter apathy, servers are
automatically rated a 5 if the player does not vote. Then the user can
decide for him/herself to connect to the server based on the rating rather
than a few opinionated complainers.

These two solutions address the root of the problem and lets the player
decide while freeing Valve to work on more content.
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