On 09/01/2009 09:34 AM, Gabriel M. Beddingfield wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Sep 2009, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
>> Sorry for not being clear enough. It's hard to express these abstract
>> thoughts sometimes.
> Thanks!  I think I understand what you mean a lot better, now.
>>>> Exactly. The sample button is the item in the grid on the sampler
>>>> interface. ie the red square.
>>> So, the mock-up UI that you posted... are these what you are calling
>>> "sample buttons?"
>> Yep.
> Yes, Sebastian was right.  We need to define some terms, first.  :-)
> What you're calling sample buttons sounds more like a "trigger" to me.
> And what you're calling "samples" is something like an audio "object"
> where an object can be:
>     * A short MIDI sequence (like a pattern in H2)
>     * An audio sample, such as:
>         + An instrument voice
>         + An audio clip (like a famous speech)
>         + An audio loop
>     * A "song"-like aggregation of all these above.
>     * A control command (e.g. send a MIDI message,
>       OSC message, or run a script)
> Is this sort of what you are describing?

Yes, that's a clearer definition.

IIUC, there is a lot of this functionality already in place.

I think it would be good to decouple the main pattern player engine from 
the main audio engine so that multiple instances of the patterns could 
be triggered at the same time.

I don't think the ui needs any specific changes. It already supports 
loading songs on the fly. However it would be good to be able to 
decouple the songs code from the main window so that there could be a 
sampler interface with multiple songs associated to it and on the fly 
switching between songs in the song editor interface would be possible. 
Load time is a seperate issue at this point.

I am going to look into this today and see if I can spot a way to do it 
relatively quickly.

My idea is to wrap the pattern player engine to allow multiple instances 
and then send each stream to the main player engine. ATM, I'm not sure 
how tied to the gui these classes are.


Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd

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