On Thu, 6 Dec 2018 07:45:00 -0500, Peter Relson <rel...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

>Another thing we have asked for, and the more voices the better if this is 
>of interest to you too, is to provide an option by which the results are 
>present a la bookmanager -- namely the first level of search result being 
>"here are the books in which I found hits", ordered by the number of hits 
>in each book, presumably accomplished by sorting the search results.
>Peter Relson
>z/OS Core Technology Design

So how many millions will IBM spend to recreate in KC the function that has 
been available in BookManager for many years?

BookManager was always fantastic for keyword searches, but sucked for printing. 
 PDFs are great for printing, but suck for searching.  Surely, an alternative 
between the two could have been done, (not KC!), that would have allowed 

Dale R. Smith

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