"64-bit" has not really been on application programmers' plates until COBOL

And yes, debuggers and dumps certainly overlap. I would guess that Compuware
would assert that Abend-AID plays in the debugger space, and it is very much
an alternative to the 3700-page dump.

+1 on the need for serious storage management for SYSMDUMPs. SYSUDUMPs on
the other hand just fall into the JES spool space management world along
with lots of other "printouts."


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Farley, Peter x23353
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: 64-bit application dump analysis [was: RE: Problems with ESTAEX
invoked in AMODE 64 . . . ]


IBM may have made that decision about SYSABEND and SYSUDUMP 20 years ago,
and perhaps z/OS systems programmers who pay attention have been aware of it
since then, but as an application programmer during that entire time I never
saw that decision communicated in any form from either IBM or from my
employer's systems programming team.

So yes, there really are many application programmers out in the world who
are not aware of that decision.  And I  suspect that many management teams
are not aware of it as well.

The digression concerning debuggers was in the sense of having an
alternative to any need for dump reading in the first place.  A competent
interactive debugger can usually (though not always) substitute for
post-abend dump reading, at least during development and unit testing.
Production abend debugging is a different situation entirely of course.
There are ISV solutions (Abend-Aid, Symdump, etc.) of varying levels of
quality and usefulness, but I am not aware whether any of them supports
storage above the bar, though of course they really should now that EntCOBOL
V6.3 is available.

Switching to SYSMDUMP for future 64-bit batch application dumps in
production jobs will also involve the Storage and Operations teams at a
company, since provision for storing (and perhaps keeping archives of)
SYSMDUMP files for resolving hard-to-find errors will certainly require
increased and perhaps even dedicated disk space and archival rules.
Operations teams will need instruction and guidance from the Storage teams
about what to do when / if SYSMDUMP disk space is filled up and the
application team hasn't got a valid dump to interpret.  These are not
trivial (or cheap) processes and procedures to put into place in large

And yes, application programmer training is needed, and that is not a
trivial (or cheap) effort whether instructor-led or self-paced "learn it
yourself" courses.  At the very least a company has to provide its
programmers on-the-job time to do the "self-paced" learning exercise and
factor that time into already tight project schedules.

IMHO, as IBM begins to provide and promote the use of 64-bit application
programming it really ought to make a concerted effort to make customer
management teams aware of these needs so that they do not come as a
surprise.  In my experience, management teams rarely appreciate technical

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