Well, I will have to see what our ISV dump debugging product is capable of when 
(or if . . .) we move into EntCobol 6.3, where 64-bit is being introduced to 
COBOL programs for the first time.  Of course, that move itself is another 
rotten can of worms entirely, not for this discussion.

I'm not sanguine that this particular dump debugging vendor will meet our 
needs, but it remains to be seen.  Maybe by the time we need 64-bit support 
this vendor will have caught up, or maybe by that time IBM will have finally 
understood how bad a mistake its XPLINK direction for 64-bit code really is and 
engineer something far easier to use and to integrate easily into non-ISV 
customer development and production support environments, but I'm not hopeful 
in either case.

I suspect that in many cases of such restrictions some ancient historical 
decision (justified or not) is what determined the restriction, the decision 
makers have long departed the company, and no one has looked at the 
restrictions since.

ObSchiller indeed.  Thanks for the reference, and how very true.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Seymour J Metz
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: 64-bit application dump analysis [was: RE: Problems with ESTAEX 
invoked in AMODE 64 . . . ]

ObSchiller IPCS is part of z/OS. All dangerous facilities of IPCS are 
controlled by SAF. If your management capriciously prohibits you from using it, 
the responsibility is theirs. It's certainly their prerogative to ban, e.g., 
IEFBR14, but no outside company is obligated to rescue them from the 
consequences of their decision.

Not all companies take essential tools away from their application developers.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of 
Farley, Peter x23353 [peter.far...@broadridge.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: 64-bit application dump analysis [was: RE: Problems with ESTAEX 
invoked in AMODE 64 . . . ]


That's all well and good for an ISV such as yourself who has the freedom to use 
whatever debugging tools you choose to use, but what are programmers in non-ISV 
shops without application programmer access to IPCS supposed to do?

z/XDC is a wonderful interactive debugging tool with which I am quite familiar, 
but it's not so helpful for ordinary HLL interactive debugging (other than 
Colesoft's very fine c/XDC, to which I do not have access) except in very 
complex debugging tasks not covered by ISV interactive products.

I haven't touched TSO TEST in umpty-ump decades and probably wouldn't use it 
even if offered the opportunity.  In my experience it was a real bear to use, 
especially compared to z/XDC today.  FWIW, I had to debug a quite complex 
assembler / BTAM / multitasking application running under the MVS of the day 
using only TSO TEST at a client site in another country.  Got the job done, but 
definitely not an experience I ever wish to repeat.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Mike Shaw
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: 64-bit application dump analysis [was: RE: Problems with ESTAEX 
invoked in AMODE 64 . . . ]

On 3/26/2020 12:11 PM, Farley, Peter x23353 wrote:
> Peter,
> If SYSABEND and SYSUDUMP don't now and aren't likely to support 64-bit 
> storage in the future, then what are application programmers coding 64-bit 
> programs (well, 31-bit resident code that uses 64-bit storage areas, to be 
> specific) supposed to use for abend debugging?  IPCS?  ISV products?


An ESTAE(X), IEATDUMP to dump the storage from the ESTAE(X) exit, and IPCS to 
analyze it. We have been doing that for our non-APF authorized application that 
runs AMODE(64) since z/OS V1R12. z/XDC or TSO/E TEST command for interactive 

Mike Shaw
MVS/QuickRef Support Group
Chicago-Soft, Ltd.


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