Ok, well here's an update. I just let the foreign keys run for a little over a 
full day and it actually completed for mysql: 
# TIME FINAL : 1883min, 1sec (wall) 23min, 57sec (user) 0min, 5sec (system)

One of my main questions  right now is the difference in results between the 
web search and the sql search. For example, if I ran a search on all the movies 
that Denzel Washington has acted in via the web search, it basically outputs 
all  the main ones, whereas if I do it via the sql search it will include a lot 
of random stuff like award ceremonies and random tv shows that he may have had 
a cameo on. How would I make the sql search more like the web search so that it 
excludes stuff like award ceremonies and only outputs the main movies?
And I haven't tested it that much, but it appears that sqlite and mysql have 
roughly the same speeds in running these queries, but I'm not completely sure 

From: dlm...@hotmail.com
To: davide.alber...@gmail.com; imdbpy-help@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [Imdbpy-help] imdbpy to mysql help
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 00:10:28 -0800

So after updating those dependencies, the MySQL still gets stuck on the foreign 
keys section, however sqlite actually manages to finish. But one of my concerns 
is that even the requests with sqlite can be slow the first time, and on 
occasion the web access was a lot faster than using the sqlite. For example, 
the search_person script is faster via the web, but if I run it twice 
(searching the same person) using the sql database, the 2nd time is noticeably 
much faster, most likely due to the data already being cached. My question is 
how fast does something like search_person take on MySQL (if I can eventually 
get it to work), since using sqlite seems like it's slower than just going the 
web route so far.

From: dlm...@hotmail.com
To: davide.alber...@gmail.com
Subject: RE: [Imdbpy-help] imdbpy to mysql help
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 17:54:16 -0800

> Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 21:28:18 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Imdbpy-help] imdbpy to mysql help
> From: davide.alber...@gmail.com
> To: dlm...@hotmail.com
> CC: imdbpy-help@lists.sourceforge.net
> On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 11:45 PM, D L <dlm...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Yeah tried that and ran it overnight, still no luck - it gets stuck on the
> > foreign keys part. I'm just trying this on my laptop, so I may just proceed
> > with using the web access for the data. Once I get everything set up for a
> > web hosting, I may try other databases such as sqlite to see if that works.
> D'oh! :(
> Versions of:
> - IMDbPY
> - SQLAlchemy
> - SQLObject
> - MySQL
> - python-mysqldb
> - python-migrate
> ?

IMDbPY - 5.0dev20130210
SQLAlchemy - 0.8.0b2
SQLObject - 1.3.2
MySQL - Server version: 5.5.29-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (Ubuntu)
python-mysqldb - 1.2.3
python-migrate - 0.7.2 

Both my python-mysqldb and python-migrate were older versions, which I just 
updated as I typed this. I tried the process with sqlite a night ago and it was 
stuck on the foreign keys section as well, I will try it again now that mysqldb 
and migrate have been updated and hopefully it will work. I also wrote a rough 
script for the data retrieval using the webaccess method, and you're right it 
does take a while. 

> Anyway, if you interrupt it while it's creating the foreign key, maybe
> you can try to see which were already created, and add the missing
> one following the scheme you can find in imdb/parser/sql/dbschema.py
> Anyway, obviously I'll try to reproduce the problem, since it's not
> nice at all. :-/

Hopefully, the updated mysqldb and migrate would fix it, but we'll see. 
> --
> Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com>  [PGP KeyID: 0x465BFD47]
> http://www.mimante.net/

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