On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 4:38 PM, Levente Juhász <jlevent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the clarifications, Ilya. I started typing my response as I read
> your original mail and gave my first impressions. Some questions got
> answered after checking the data and reading through your entire mail but
> remained in my response. Anyway, 2nd round below:
> As for 0), I was thinking two things. You're right about adding new,
> existing stations not being overrides, there's no question about that.
> However, there's still the questions of the overall currentness of the
> NavAds data. For example, to get an idea about how long it takes on average
> to remove a permanently closed gas station from the dataset. If it takes too
> long, then there might be a monthly add-remove-add battle between you and a
> local mapper, which is not ideal. I later checked my area and stations
> looked good (i.e. no closed gas stations in the NavAds data). Hopefully as
> more people review the data we'll see that this is not an issue.

Just to be clear, I fully support this import 100%, especially since
Ilya is involved. Nothing is perfect, even craft mapping, so I expect
that will be the case with any import.

To your question and maybe this offers some insight, it is just one data point:


That is on the wrong building so misplaced about 50m (it should have
been on the building just to the SE)

It has also been torn down never to be replaced about 1 - 2 months ago
so should not be in the dataset.

I hope that helps in some small way.

Thank you for your work on this Ilya!


Blake Girardot
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