Hi Ilya,

Am 07.03.2018 um 18:27 schrieb Ilya Zverev:
> Here is the GeoJSON file for the import (42 MB — don't try to open it in 
> geojson.io, use QGIS): https://transfer.sh/12oTYj/fuel.json

Thank you for offering the GeoJSON file for download. I opened in QGIS
but I am confused about the meaning of the columns. Some columns seem

osm_id: OSM object ID
osm_type: node/way/relation
tags.<KEY>: <KEY> is the OSM key and the value of this field is what is
mapped in OSM
tags_news.<KEY>: tag to be added, is that correct?
tags_changed.<KEY>: tag to be modified, is that correct?

Could you please add the explanation to the wiki page to be created?

I would like to see some kind of map instead of a boring table because
having to use QGIS is a hurdle (at least to the average mapper whom we
want to participate in a review because he has local knowledge).
However, offering a graphical preview is no strict requirement for an
import. There have been lots of imports which did not have a preview map
but just a shape file (or GeoJSON file).

Best regards


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