On Friday 01 August 2008 5:44:20 am Robert Lemke wrote:

> FWIW: In TYPO3 5.0 we rely on PDO_SQLITE and use it as the default
> database directly after the installation of TYPO3. Not because SQLite
> is such a performant database, but rather because we can use it
> without having to ask the user for any configuration / credentials.
> Later on the user has the opportunity to move her data into a more
> sophisticated database such as MySQL or Oracle.
> So from our point of the universe: Please keep PDO_SQLITE enabled, it
> makes our lives much easier.
> Cheers,
> Robert

FWIW: Drupal is in the process of moving in the same direction, with our 
database layer moving over to PDO with intent to ship with a SQLite database 
for the installer.  Having at least that minimum baseline of database 
capability, however fast or slow it may be, is critical.

Larry Garfield

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