On Mon, Nov 01, 2010 at 10:58:36AM +0100, Dennis Haarbrink wrote:
> Come on people, what exactly is the problem with a once-in-a-lifetime 
> investment of 5 seconds of your time to google some stupid error message. 
> Something you, as a developer, spend your life doing.
> Please, stop complaining about a minor (yes, it is minor, use the fricking 
> search engine!) annoyance and accept php's heritage. 
> And please understand, I do get where all the opponents are coming from, it 
> is an unnecessary complicated error message (I agree that the language 
> argument is a moot point, in the world of internet and programming in 
> particular, English is the standard), but you google it once in your life and 
> then you 'forget' about it. And if you can't remember the meaning of 
> something like that, I hardly doubt you'd be a decent programmer anyway.

Its a minor change and an annoyance to a lot of people. Yes, by not changing
this you'r annoying thousands of people.

This isn't an easteregg either. This is a "lesson" as someone explained.
eastereggs aren't visible to normal users.

If you want teach people about Hebrew you obviously can do so. I don't see how
that is the goal of a programming language, but that is an other issue. But
don't come along and insult us with this bullshit.

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