On 09/10/2019 00:26, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
That's part of the problem. RFC should be for something that is
necessary and beneficial for the whole community, doubly and triply so
when we're talking about BC breaks. It shouldn't be just "whatever I
want, let me put it to a vote". RFCs are not a twitter poll where
anybody can vote on anything and anything goes. It should be used
responsibly, and if people don't understand this responsibility maybe
it's too early for them to propose any RFCs.

Might I request that you please stick to discussing the actual topic of the RFC, rather than trying to shift the conversation towards who can and cannot propose RFCs :-)

If you want to discuss changing the RFC mechanics and who is entitled to make them, please make your own RFC.

Thank you.

Mark Randall

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