DR1 is a showcase for the geralized services architecture. Its not a showcase for
J2EE 1.4 views of these services as this will be built on top of the core. Having
the HTTP IL in these release is irrelevant. I'm not porting the RMI/HTTP invokers
until the remoting, pooling, proxy+interceptor factories, etc are in place.

There is no reason to panic, go back to working on the grand vision of generalized
services intersecting with POJOs to give your version of an enterprise application
server as per your specification.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nathan Phelps" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 2:48 PM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] JB4DR1 Deadline MAY 26

> I agree that there is some great stuff in there already.  However, being
> that the AOP transaction, security, remoting, etc. was only recently
> released in its first iteration, and the fact that JBoss remoting
> doesn't yet support true callbacks (Jeff says it is coming) there is
> simply no way I can deliver the new JMS implementation BUILT ON TOP of
> these services by May 5th!  And I'm going to be out basically two weeks
> between now and then with customers as I know others will be as well.
> Since the whole point of the JMS rewrite is to take advantage of the
> core JBoss AOP services, I haven't really had that much time to do so
> since the services have only recently been released.  Therefore, I
> expect that a May 26th release will ONLY INCLUDE THE OLD JMS CODE which
> is currently in HEAD.  It is the only option with a May 5th deadline in
> my opinion.  If everyone is OK with this and we're committed to that
> date, then I am must immediately shift my attention from the development
> of the new code build on top of the AOP framework to the old code
> currently in HEAD to start working on ensuring JMS 1.1 compliance,
> stability, etc. as well as applying the HTTP IL code currently only in
> Branch_3_2 to HEAD.   Then, after the May 26th release, I'll continue
> working on the new JMS code which is build on top of the AOP framework.
> Comments?
> Thanks,
> Nathan

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