>DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>In a message dated 98-03-21 15:56:55 EST, you write:
><< You are right the WH has survived scandals before, such as Nixon.  But
> most of the information that came out of the WH came out after the
> President left office.  Or it just wasn't made a big deal of until he
> left office. >>
>I didn't so much mean Nixon as Andrew Jackson and people like that, accused of
>sexual peccadilos and the like.  

The most interesting one of all, of course, was Grover Cleveland.  He
survived the scandal of an illegitimate son. Cleveland told his campaign to
answer all questions honestly and fully.  That didn't completely occur.
There was a secret that was not divulged.

Cleveland had his name placed on the birth certificate. The circle of men
for whom the woman was providing relief from home and hearth were all
married except for Cleveland and in order to preserve domestic tranquility
for his friends Cleveland took credit for work that he likely had not
accomplished.  An intelligent electorate returned Cleveland to the White
House after a lapse.

All our early presidents were accused of all manner of crimes.  They do not
seem to me to have been of the dreary quality that so concerns this group.
Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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