Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 10:09:52 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: [LIB] 110CT Large Drives with EZ BIOS...

Hello Raymond and thank you for your reply...

I was amazed at how this topic was discussed so much over the years with no 
real end result that I could determine.  It took many days to read the full 
archives.  The BIOS HDD <8.4 seems like a simple thing.  Sort of a Yes/No to 
me.  A "No" of course is not what I wanted to hear.  Also because much of the 
information did not apply to the 100/100 directly I hoped it might be outdated 
at least for these last two CT Models.

I will gladly accept the "No" at this point.  :)

This all leads back to a previous question however...
I have allowed this computer to hibernate a number of times now since safely 
duplicating the drive.  The drive is full less 1/2 gig or so free.  I opened 
up a number of browsers and spreadsheets etc to make certain the memory would 
have been completely full when written to disk.
I realize that Scandisk is NOT a high level tool, but I simply can not believe 
it can't find a 64meg damaged spot on the hard drive, which hibernation should 
have caused.  Is it inaccurate to believe Hibernation should have blown the 
formatting, data, everything on that area of the disk?
Any idea?

Thank you,
John Martin


> Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 23:36:06 +1100
> From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] 110CT Large Drives with EZ BIOS...
> Hi John,
> <snip>
> >"If you use a drive overlay program, it should correctly see the full drive
> >capacity and place the hibernation area automatically at the end of the HD."
> >In context, my understanding was that an overlay would correct the problem 
> >Hibernation Placement...
> >Which in a way doesn't make sense because the OS doesn't boot at the time of
> >restore... so the BIOS would be unmodified at that time.
> There have been endless arguments about this in the past ... but suffice to 
> say, your intuition is correct, it seems without a modification to what 
> actually resides in the BIOS, you won't be able to stop it from messing 
> with the area around 8GB if it needs to hibernate for precisely the reason 
> you say.
> When the computer is hibernated, the contents of memory disappear and since 
> the hibernation is done in the BIOS (unlike more recent computers where the 
> BIOS regards a jump out of hibernation as just another bootup and it's up 
> to the OS to deal with reading memory back in), when you come out of 
> hibernation, the contents of memory will not have had anything to do with 
> the hard drive at the point that the computer starts to read the contents 
> of memory off the drive so no drive overlay will be able to tell the BIOS 
> otherwise.
> >Which leads to another question...
> >Is there any way I can completely disable hibernation on the Libretto?  Some
> >how it does it even when in DOS Mode.  I don't see where this comes from 
> >in the
> >BIOS.
> AFAIK it isn't possible to completely disable hibernation - even if you 
> disable it in the operating system, if you get a hardware panic (such as 
> overheating or low battery but something that doesn't cause an instant 
> shutdown), the BIOS will hibernate you like it or not :-(
> I know needing to split your drive is a little inelegant but I'm not sure 
> there's any way around it ... still, for such a little laptop I think it's 
> a minor inconvenience to suffer :-D
> Cheers!
> - Raymond
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