Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 18:34:35 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: [LIB] 110CT Large Drives with EZ BIOS...

I would like to address Philip Nienhuis directly, but of course welcome any who 
can offer additional information on this.

Previously stated by Philip...
> And additionally, you can also simply copy your complete Windows 98 SE 
> installation using appropriate XCOPY options in a DOS window (that's how 
> I usually back up my Win98 stuff) rather than use fancy software for 
> that. Don't forget to make its partition "active".

The XCOPY which I have used extensively since it was included with DOS could 
not copy hidden or system files.  The XCOPY version I have with Windows 98 
states directly "Copies files (except hidden and system files) and directory 

Is there another version which I could use with Windows 98SE?  If you have it, 
would you mind emailing it to me directly?

Thank you,
John Martin
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