Because Lift's ad is so good. For example:

"Lift is the only new framework in the last four years to offer fresh
and innovative approaches to web development. It's not just some
incremental improvements over the status quo, it redefines the state
of the art. If you are a web developer, you should learn Lift. Even if
you don't wind up using it everyday, it will change the way you
approach web applications."

Lift can't be used without Scala. Is there a plan to implement Lift in
Clojure, for example? :D

On Oct 22, 3:47 pm, TylerWeir <> wrote:
> On Oct 22, 2:02 am, ngocdaothanh <> wrote:
> > jlist9,
> > This is a Lift group, but I have to say I feel the same about Scala.
> > I had to ask for advice 
> > here:
> > Scala may help me to get my work done for the day. But I don't feel
> > happy with Scala. Scala makes me feel I'm a slave all the day to
> > machines (or Scala itself!).
> If it makes you feel like a slave, why are you using Scala at all
> then?
> > On Oct 22, 2:13 pm, jlist9 <> wrote:
> > > override def validations = validPriority _ :: super.validations
> > > This is a more of a comment about Scala than one about Lift - this does
> > > look cryptic to me. And this is just one of the simpler syntax that 
> > > confuses
> > > people, who are new to the language. And I'm one of them.
> > > I understand that you don't have to learn all the tricks/syntax to start
> > > coding in Scala but you do have to understand it when you read
> > > source code of libraries written by someone with much more advanced
> > > language skills.
> > > In David's book he says "After more than two years of coding Scala, ...
> > > My brain has finally stopped hurting." This sounds like a very high
> > > barrier to entry.
> > > I'm just wondering why Scala has to be so complicated. I'm sure a lot
> > > of things in Scala have their reasons but at the mean time I also
> > > suspect that many of the odd things are there to reduce
> > > typing, which is advertised as one of the advantages of this language -
> > > conciseness. (I could be very wrong due to my lack of understanding.)
> > > If the latter is true, I feel that I'd rather type a little more to make 
> > > the
> > > code easier to read.
> > > Just feeling a little frustrated learning Scala. I think it's much
> > > easier learning
> > > Java. Not much surprise. Not sure if anyone shares my experience
> > > (and opinion, if there is one.)
> > > On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Randinn <> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > The site above is a blog post from a Rails developer, he had some good
> > > > and bad things to say about Lift and since I do not know enough to
> > > > debate with him I thought I'd post it here.

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