[while i avoided the first incarnation of this discussion, it's been a
rather dull day so far, and i'm aching for excitement. flamefest about
to erupt - dont keep reading if you dont want to get burned.]

On Fri, 28 Dec 2001, Nimrod Simba Carmi wrote:

> A while ago, I posted here a message looking for programmers to help
> us build a content engine system for School Sucks.

quite the stupidest name, imho, but never mind that.

> I got tens of flames about it, people were amazed how come I dared
> asking for programmers without willing to pay more then 20$/hour.

why would people care how much you're willing to pay? if they think it's
too low (which i think it is, by far, but then i wouldn't consider this
type of job for a myriad of other reasons) they simply shouldn't take

> Well I just wanted to say that our programmers from Lita, who worked
> for 14$ an hour did a great job, And the engine will be up within
> the next couple'a months.

if he did such a great job, why will it only be online in a couple of
months? (sorry, couldn't resist).

> and I hope all these "HiTech Bubble
> Programmers" here who wont move themselfs for less then 50$ an hour

for some things, i would charge you tripe that. others, i would do for
free. what does that prove?

> are enjoying sitting at home on their fired/about to be fired ass
> and enjoying the view :)

it's a free market. you are welcome to hire or not hire anyone you want.
i do, however, discussing your hiring practices in such a manner on the
list, shall we say, childish?

> I know its offtopic -- sorry about that!

yeah, so am i. well, not really.


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