Linux-Misc Digest #34, Volume #28                 Tue, 5 Jun 01 07:13:02 EDT

  Re: 3-button PS/2 mouse config? ("Сергей Смирнов")
  update> accounting dies after upgrading to redhat 7.1 (Farid Hamjavar)
  Re: tabstops (Charles Wilkins)
  Re: AOL ("Darren")
  Re: dmesg VFS error ("Eric")
  crontab replace (delta)
  Re: In Linux, how can I read CDRW data store at Win2k? ("Eric")
  Re: linux (Richard Steiner)
  Re: I need a really small distro for an old puter ("Peet Grobler")
  Re: Need Some Help With A Compressed File (faeychyld)
  Installation problem for RH7.1 & 7.0
  Re: I need a really small distro for an old puter ("The Martian")
  Re: I need a really small distro for an old puter ("Matthew van de Werken")
  diskeditor ? ("jan")
  Re: Installation problem for RH7.1 & 7.0 (Sebastian Haepe)
  Re: diskeditor ? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: I need a really small distro for an old puter (Anthony Boyd)


From: "Сергей Смирнов" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: 3-button PS/2 mouse config?
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 10:49:17 +0400

starfire wrote:
> I can get a 2-button PS/2 mouse to work, but not a 3-button PS/2 mouse.
> I am running Linux 2.2.14 (Caldera eDesktop 2.4) on a Pentium 3.  I
> have tried several variations of the following /etc/XF86Config file:
> Section "Pointer"
>    Device          "/dev/psaux"
>    Protocol        "PS/2"
>    BaudRate        1200
>    Emulate3Timeout 50
>    Emulate3Buttons
>    Resolution      200
>    Buttons         3
If you have 2 buttons mouse why you type 3 here?
> EndSection
> #   Protocol        "busmouse"
> #   Protocol        "microsoft"   # got an (incorrect) response from mouse
> #   Protocol        "IMPS/2"
> #   Protocol        "MouseManPlusPS/2"
> #   Protocol        "MouseSystem"
> When I reboot with this file I get no response from the mouse.  I have
> tried two different mice, no luck.  The 2-button PS/2 mouse works fine
> with this configuration.  The only Protocol setting that got any response
> was the "microsoft" setting - this made the cursor jump across the top edge
> of the screen as I moved the mouse, but that was all.
> Searches of Caldera's knowledge base and Google searches have not shed any
> light on what I am doing wrong.  Any suggestions?
> Richard Anderson
Sergey Smirnov


From: Farid Hamjavar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: update> accounting dies after upgrading to redhat 7.1
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 10:59:31 -0600

On Sun, 3 Jun 2001, Farid Hamjavar wrote:

> Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 22:17:50 -0600 (MDT)
> From: Farid Hamjavar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.setup, comp.os.linux.misc
> Subject: accounting dies after upgrading to redhat 7.1
> redhat 7.1 on ibm netfinity smp
> hello,
> we recently upgraded one system  from redhat 6.2 to redhat 7.1
> 2.4.2-2 #17 SMP Sun Jun 3 00:51:40 EDT 2001 i686 unknown
> accounting (i.e. /sbin/accton) dies  instantly after it is
> started :
> /sbin/accton /var/log/pacct
> Then things are normal and records gets appended to /var/log/pacct
> but after about 20 or 30 seconds  /var/log/pacct stops growing all
> together.
> This started after upgrade.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Farid

When process accounting stops
we see "Process accounting paused"
in /var/log/messages. That pause of course is
forever until  process accounting
explicitly restarted again.

I found this below on the net.

How did this got changed from redhat 6.2 (2.2.17-14)
to redhat 7.1 (2.4.2-2) ....?

What is the remedy? Or solution?


diff -urN linux-2.2.0-pre1.orig/kernel/acct.c
--- linux-2.2.0-pre1.orig/kernel/acct.cFri Nov 27 14:24:59 1998
+++ linux-2.2.0-pre1/kernel/acct.cTue Dec 29 15:19:07 1998
@@ -124,12 +124,12 @@
         if (acct_active) {
                 if (act < 0) {
                         acct_active = 0;
-printk(KERN_INFO "Process accounting paused\r\n");
+printk(KERN_INFO "Process accounting paused\n");
         } else {
                 if (act > 0) {
                         acct_active = 1;
-printk(KERN_INFO "Process accounting resumed\r\n");
+printk(KERN_INFO "Process accounting resumed\n");


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charles Wilkins)
Subject: Re: tabstops
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 07:16:07 GMT

I should be more specific with what I am trying to do. I am in fact
running vim on Mandrake 8.  I have made some progress for setting the
behaviour that I prefer, but there is still a minor catch.

With vim, while editing .c and .cpp files specifically, I would like
the following behavior to be the default:
Tabstops to be 5 spaces instead of 8.
No autoindenting at all OR autoindenting to 5 spaces only while in
functions or subroutines.

Here is what I have done so far, and what it has accomplished.
In the .vimrc file, I have added the following lines:

" my settings
set tabstop=5
set noautoindent

and under this section, I have modified one line:

augroup cprog
    "  autocmd BufRead *.c,*.h set formatoptions=croql cindent
      autocmd BufRead *.c,*.h set formatoptions=croql nocindent

What this has done is when I open up a previously saved .c or .cpp
file, tabstops are in fact 5 spaces and autoindent is off, yay.
When I start a new .c or .cpp file however, tabstops are at 5 spaces,
but autoindent is on and it autoindents to 8.  This tells me that
there is still a more global tabstop setting that needs to be changed.

I would not mind the autoindent for c programs, if only the tabstops
were at 5 instead of 8.  I am pretty anal about the way my code looks,
especially when I start nesting some loops inside of functions.  I
hate wasting terminal space on greedy tabstops.

Any help at all is greatly appreciated.

On Tue, 5 Jun 2001 00:34:31 +0200, "Peter T. Breuer"

>Charles Wilkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am not sure this pertains to vi or bash, but when i write scripts,
>> the tabstops are set at 8 spaces.  How can I reset the tab stops to a
>> lower number? 
>By typing ":help" and searching for tab or tabstop. (hint "ts=...").


From: "Darren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AOL
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 08:20:23 +0100
Reply-To: "Darren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I believe the Suse 7.1 prof distro includes aol clients / apps - but I have
never had a need for them.  Try the aol support desk - you might get lucky
and get a willing 'techie' to help you out

Are you sure you want to go to Red Alert sir ? That would involve changing
the lightbulb.............
"Pete Clements" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I feel embarased to say this but, i use AOL and want to run it through
> Linux. Does anyone have any experience with this, or any ideas on how
> to set it up.
> Many thanks in advance.
> Pete.


From: "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: dmesg VFS error
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 09:23:33 +0200

> > Anybody know what causes the following error message?
> >
> > VFS: Disk change detected on device ide1(22,0)
> Looks for me, as if you had changed the cdrom in your
> cdrom drive, so it's not a real error message...

It also may occur on HDD's.
And you certainly didn't replace a platter there :-)

dmesg logs can get spammed with these messages.
You'd need to turn off the CD autodetect tool in the gnome
panel to prevent the logs getting filled with these messages.
(Or kill the responsible process manually ofcourse)

> Please don't attach any kind of "v-cards" to your posts.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (delta)
Subject: crontab replace
Date: 5 Jun 2001 00:27:33 -0700

i'm looking for a comfortable replace for crontab.
I have to admin many entrys there. Best would be a program for
X-Window but much better then kcron or kcrontab.

Thank you


From: "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: In Linux, how can I read CDRW data store at Win2k?
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 09:28:28 +0200

> If you mount my CDRW disc as iso9660, I see the following files:
>         autorun.inf* udfrinst.exe*
> As there is a file call udfrinst.exe, I suppose that the CD have 2
> filesystem con-exist, one is iso9660 that let normal CDROM can read,
> which let the user to install necessary driver, and most data store in
> filesystem UDF, as my kernel have UDF support, I re-mount my device as:
> mount -t udf /dev/scd1 /mnt/zipcd. However I get the following message:
> mount: block device /dev/scd1 is write-protected, mounting read-only
> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd1,
> or too many mounted file systems
> I guess the it don't know where is the UDF filesystem start, so I would
> like to ask, how can I mount the device? Can anyone give me more
> information that where is the true superblock on that CD disc??

Or perhaps you used another version of UDF from windows?
Discs I made from NT that used UDF, I could mount in linux.
It is read-only though, UDF for linux wasn't ready when I last checked.
(This was a few months ago though)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: linux
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 02:23:17 -0500

Here in comp.os.linux.misc, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
spake unto us, saying:

>How's BeOS these days?

The OS itself seems to work fine (on the hardware it supports, at any
rate), but the outlook for application development seems a bit hazy, at
least recently.

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>--->  Eden Prairie, MN
      OS/2 + BeOS + Linux + Solaris + Win95 + WinNT4 + FreeBSD + DOS
      + PC/GEOS + Fusion + vMac + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven! :-)
      The shortest distance between two points is under construction.


From: "Peet Grobler" <peetgr at>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,aus.computers.linux
Subject: Re: I need a really small distro for an old puter
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 09:53:39 +0200

I had Caldera 1.3 running on a 386 with 4MB RAM a while back... Now that's a
challenge for you. I installed everything on the machine via NFS. No
removing the harddrive, installing on another computer, etc.

It was fun, anyways. If it just didn't fall I'd still have it.

The Martian wrote in message
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Riffraff"
>> The Martian wrote:
>>> I actually got redhat 5 to run on a IBM PS/2 55sx, that things a
>>> 386-sx16, with 8mb and a 120MB disk.
>>> This was years ago, so excuse my memory :-)
>>> The install was a real pig to do, I had to do a custom install and
>>> select nothing, in the packages selection screen. Also needed was a
>>> kernel recompile, to remove almost everything. I did the kernel
>>> recompile on another machine as this thing had no space for the kernel
>>> source.
>> I've got an old Gateway Nomad with 4MB.  I suspect Linux on this one
>> would be damn near impossible, yes?
>> Oh well, it's about worthless anyway...  :-/
>Now there's a challenge :-)
>Sydney, Australia


Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 18:09:06 +1000
From: faeychyld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need Some Help With A Compressed File

Mordak wrote:
> It appears to be a compressed self extracting file. Check this link for help.
> It will most likely help you out.
> Later,
> Mordak
> Multi User wrote:
> > I posted it two days ago but no one seems to want to take a stab at it.
> >
> > I have a file on my hard drive. I'm familiar with extracting 'tar' and 'gz'
> > files, but not 'sh' files. Here is the name of the file. Could someone
> > please explain how I go about extracting its contents?
> >
> > Filename: ''
> >
> > Thank You
> >
> >
> > --
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > -----------------------------------
> > News Group Note: This system is utilized by multiple users.
> > The views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the
> > owners.
> > Replies should be made to the news groups unless an email is posted inline.
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> >

I thought " .sh" extensions were shell script files.

Regards F


Subject: Installation problem for RH7.1 & 7.0
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 08:31:06 -0000

I encounter the following problems and appreciate if anyone can help.  

1.   I have built a RH Seawolf 7.1 disc1&2.  I can manage to boot up from 
disc 1.  After a while, the system prompt "what type of media contains the 
packages to be installed"?  I sellect Local CDROM, but the system response 
that "I could not find a Red Hat Linux CDROM  in any of your CDROM drives".  
What could be the problem?

2.   I try to install RH7.0, it can detect the monitor is VP150m 
(viewsonic), the video card: NVIDIA Geforce DDR (genic) Xserver: XFree 86.  
It prompt error executing the X server in a probing mode, and also prompt 
to config the video card manually.  How do I rectify?

The PC used is Pentium III 933 intel mother board.

Posted via CNET


From: "The Martian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I need a really small distro for an old puter
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,aus.computers.linux
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 09:06:02 GMT

In article <3b1c8f75$0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Peet Grobler" <peetgr at> wrote:

wow, never even tried it with 4MB
Sydney, Australia

> I had Caldera 1.3 running on a 386 with 4MB RAM a while back... Now
> that's a challenge for you. I installed everything on the machine via
> NFS. No removing the harddrive, installing on another computer, etc.
> It was fun, anyways. If it just didn't fall I'd still have it.
> The Martian wrote in message
>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Riffraff"
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> The Martian wrote:
>>>> I actually got redhat 5 to run on a IBM PS/2 55sx, that things a
>>>> 386-sx16, with 8mb and a 120MB disk.
>>>> This was years ago, so excuse my memory :-)
>>>> The install was a real pig to do, I had to do a custom install and
>>>> select nothing, in the packages selection screen. Also needed was a
>>>> kernel recompile, to remove almost everything. I did the kernel
>>>> recompile on another machine as this thing had no space for the
>>>> kernel source.
>>> I've got an old Gateway Nomad with 4MB.  I suspect Linux on this one
>>> would be damn near impossible, yes?
>>> Oh well, it's about worthless anyway...  :-/
>>Now there's a challenge :-)
>>Sydney, Australia



From: "Matthew van de Werken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I need a really small distro for an old puter
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 19:43:41 +1000
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,aus.computers.linux

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Riffraff"

> The Martian wrote:
>> I actually got redhat 5 to run on a IBM PS/2 55sx, that things a
>> 386-sx16, with 8mb and a 120MB disk.
>> This was years ago, so excuse my memory :-)
>> The install was a real pig to do, I had to do a custom install and
>> select nothing, in the packages selection screen. Also needed was a
>> kernel recompile, to remove almost everything. I did the kernel
>> recompile on another machine as this thing had no space for the kernel
>> source.
> I've got an old Gateway Nomad with 4MB.  I suspect Linux on this one
> would be damn near impossible, yes?
> Oh well, it's about worthless anyway...  :-/

No, not impossible, in fact, I'd suggest this would be a good learning
project if you're interested.

You might be interested in reading the Linux on a 4MB laptop HOWTO

There's also a number of micro-distro's that could be useful; Tom's
Root-Boot might be a place to start, also the Linux Router Project.

Do a search on Freshmeat and sourceforge; also go to



From: "jan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: diskeditor ?
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 17:15:14 +0200

Did anybody hear about linux version (or coreseponding program) of faumos
Norton Utilities' DiskEdit.EXE?



From: Sebastian Haepe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Installation problem for RH7.1 & 7.0
Date: 5 Jun 2001 10:13:41 GMT

> I encounter the following problems and appreciate if anyone can help.  
> Thanks.

> 1.   I have built a RH Seawolf 7.1 disc1&2.  I can manage to boot up from 
> disc 1.  After a while, the system prompt "what type of media contains the 
> packages to be installed"?  I sellect Local CDROM, but the system response 
> that "I could not find a Red Hat Linux CDROM  in any of your CDROM drives".  
> What could be the problem?

It is possible that your ISO-Image of your seawolf-image is not complete.
I had the same problem.


Linux: Because rebooting is for adding new hardware.


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: diskeditor ?
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 12:27:15 +0200

jan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did anybody hear about linux version (or coreseponding program) of faumos
> Norton Utilities' DiskEdit.EXE?

You mean discdoctor, surely? diskedit was something trivial.

You probably want fdisk or parted or gpart or debugfs. Depends (on



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,aus.computers.linux
Subject: Re: I need a really small distro for an old puter
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony Boyd)
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 10:59:04 GMT

"The Martian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Riffraff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The Martian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I actually got redhat 5 to run on a IBM PS/2 55sx, that things a
>>> 386-sx16, with 8mb and a 120MB disk.
>>> This was years ago, so excuse my memory :-)
>>> The install was a real pig to do, I had to do a custom install and
>>> select nothing, in the packages selection screen. Also needed was a
>>> kernel recompile, to remove almost everything. I did the kernel
>>> recompile on another machine as this thing had no space for the kernel
>>> source. 
>> I've got an old Gateway Nomad with 4MB.  I suspect Linux on this one
>> would be damn near impossible, yes?
>> Oh well, it's about worthless anyway...  :-/
> Now there's a challenge :-)

I was looking around for a Linux that I could install on a Samsung 
NoteMaster 486P.  It's a 486 laptop with 3.5 megs of RAM.  Surprisingly, 
there appears to be a decent Linux you can install, Debian 1.3.1:

It has special install instructions for systems under 6 megs of RAM (the 
install how-to is buried in there, I found it by going to main ->
disks-i386 -> 1997-10-13 -> install.txt.

I also still have a version 4 and version 5 Red Hat around here somewhere.  
I guess that might work, but it doesn't seem ideal.  There is also a 
version of Linux called Small Linux, and it manages to get X-Windows 
working on a 4 meg laptop:



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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