
That's not the most recent discussion about the issue.

Yahoo were also in the AU press for blocking all mail from Optus servers.

I now tell clients to dump Xtra or don't bother me.

Cheers Don
dave wrote:
No from reading in the computerworld this week it appears to be related with yahoo and how they deal with email from other ISP's coming into the xtra servers.

eg I'm a clear customer and if i send an email to a address it may or may not get through due to yahoo's anti spam filtering.

From the article i read (a business emailing clients within xtra and out side are getting the messages thrown to a spam folder that can only be viewed online so alot of uesrs (people & businesses) are loosing emails either being sent by them or to them.

Don Gould
1/31 Acheson Ave, Shirley, Christchurch, New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 348 7235 - Mobile: +64 21 114 0699

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