On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 15:47,Ralph Sanford scribed:

> Using SuSE 7.3 and the stock kernel the system I described did work,
> within the last day.  After adding a new scsi dvd as scsi id 0 on a
> chain that already had scsi id 4 and 5 in use, it had became almost
> impossible to use the cdrom, dvd, cdrw.  Fstab had been set for all the
> devices but still no joy.  By issuing:
> rm /dev/[each cd device]
> ln -s /dev/sr[?] /dev/[each cd device]
> The cdrom, dvd, cdrw now all work.  In the last day I have burned CDs,
> transferred data, added SuSE packages to the computer from the SuSE CD.
> It does not matter if it was supposed to work or not, my computer now
> works the way I want it to and that is what is important.

Ralph you did not address my main point, that is its not being seen on boot 
as a scsi device. The cdrecordrer is as I pointed out in the first mesage, 
whilst the dvd is not assigned a scsi device, even though in lilo iI have 
called hdb=ide-scsi. Therefore no device driver is assigned and I get a sdc1 
or sr1 "no such device".

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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